Webmail is a means of accessing your email accounts through a web browser, which gives you the...
Backing Up Your SiteFor new users of cPanel the easiest method of backing up your site is to use the Backup Wizard,...
Changing the cPanel PasswordYou can change your cPanel password from your Client Area: 1. Log in to Client Area2. Go to...
Changing your Control Panel StyleStyles or skins determine the look of the cPanel interface when viewed in your web browser, there...
Configuring Account Level Email FiltersAccount level email filters allow you to filter email for your domain's main email account, if...
Configuring SpamAssassinSpamAssassin is an email utility that examines every email in an attempt to filter out spam, this...
Configuring User Level Email FiltersUser level email filters allow you to filter email for individual addresses, if you wish to...
Creating A SubdomainSubdomains are URLs for different sections of your website. They use your main domain name and a...
Creating Cron JobsA cron job is a scheduled task that takes place at predetermined times on the server. To create a...
Creating Custom Error PagesError pages are displayed to Internet users when any one of a variety of errors occur, such as...
Creating a Default (catchall) Email AccountA Default (catchall) email account will accept any email that is sent to a non-existant email...
Creating a Pop Email AccountTo create a new POP email account, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow...
Creating an Addon DomainAn addon domain allows a new domain name to link to a subdirectory of your account, this means...
Creating an Auto ResponderAn Auto Responder is an automated email message that you can set to respond to all emails sent to...
Creating an FTP accountTo create an FTP account, first you need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this...
Do you have curl installed in your php?Yes we do.
Enabling Hotlink ProtectionA Hotlink is when content on your site is illegally used (embedded) on another site, using your...
How can I download a backup of my site?Please login to your control panel and create a full backup. This may take a few minutes to...
How do I access or log in to cPanelcPanel can be accessed using a variety of methods: cPanel URL You can use the following URLs...
How to setup Cron JobA sample program to setup a cron job This cron is supposed to delete the spams from your mail...
Parking a DomainA parked domain is an additional domain that points to your existing account, allowing visitors...
Password Protecting A DirectoryPassword protecting a directory will require users to enter a username and password to access a...
Redirecting MailRedirecting mail allows a copy of email sent to an address to be forwarded to another email...
Redirecting a URLTo redirect a URL, first you will need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this...
Updating your Contact InfoUpdating your contact info allows you to change the main email address used to contact you...
Using File ManagerTo use File Manager, first you will need to login to your cPanel account and then follow this...
Using IP Deny ManagerThe IP Deny Manager will allow you to block access to your website from a range of IP addresses....
Using Image Manager ScalerThe Image Manager Scaler will resize an individual image by allowing you to enter percentages to...
Using Image Manager ThumbnailerThe Thumbnailer allows you to view a small (thumbnail sized) version of any images in a directory...
Using Index ManagerUsing Index Manager, it is possible to define how a specific directory index will appear to...
Using Web DiskWeb Disk is an application which allows you to easily drag and drop files to your hosting...
Using cPanel ShortcutscPanel provides a quick and easy method to access your Login page or Webmail Login page by...
What is cPanelcPanel is a web hosting control panel that provides a graphical interface and automation tools...